The inferences section in Ch. 6 stuck out to me. What made an impact on you in these chapters?
The inferences section really stuck out to me as well. I had no idea there were so many ways to make an inference. It was very eye opening to read all the ways and to read how to help students who struggle with inferences.
How do you respond to students “who don’t get it”? After this reading how will that shift?
Taking the time to understand what my student means when they say "I don't get it" by asking more questions to help me understand their struggle. I think often times, due to limited time (in resource room) or just trying to get through material in a timely manner, I frequently try to explain what I think the student didn't get rather than take the time to help them figure out what they don't understand and help them gain an understanding.
Comprehension, understanding, and change is the goal of any reading. What will you do differently in your teaching after reading this section?
After reading this chapter, I have a better understanding of comprehension and understanding. I really liked the author's quote "Comprehension is so much more than a thing to test and score. Comprehension of a text is an experience that, if we read well enough, can change us." I have never thought of comprehension as an experience. Going forward, I want to view comprehension as more of an experience than just trying to score a student on how well they understood what they read and to take the time to teach them how to better understand what they read by making connections to the text.