Week 3: Read Ch. 7 - 9

Reddick week 3

Reddick week 3

by CarryAnne Reddick -
Number of replies: 1

How important is accessing prior knowledge for students? (baseball study)How do you immerse students in background knowledge or text sets to facilitate activation? Students need a background and class participation in creating ideas to explore who has prior knowledge on the subject seems to me a great way to find understanding. In our room we do a lot of group work that encourages this knowledge.

Multiple exposers are important for retention and independence. How will you offer these opportunities?  We do whole group and I feel this gives them exposure to unknown subjects. As well as repeating strategies that seem to help out students learn and succeed. We use books, videos, and any other source available to offer insight on subjects the students may need to learn. 

What strategies stuck out to you in this chapter and what ones and how will you bring them to your instruction? Reread... we are daily readers in our class and the students are encouraged to look at the pictures and study the words. I like the idea of adding talk to a friend something we can possibly include this year. I also think rereading a passage daily instead of instantly will be beneficial as on page 111 points out that for less skilled readers this type of reread is more successful. Being in special education I think we do a good job of encouraging this practice. 

In reply to CarryAnne Reddick

Re: Reddick week 3

by Megan Fitzgerald -
I really like how you mentioned students rereading passages. I feel as though I don't do this enough with my older students. Allowing students to reread passages creates better comprehension and fluency and is absolutely something I will be implementing more in the upcoming year.