-Name & Summarize (a few sentences) about the chapters you read.
Chapter 15-Phonics. This chapter spoke about the different terms associated with phonic instruction. In this chapter the author provides strategies that can be used in the general classroom to help students with phonics at the middle school level.
Chapter 16-The Value of Reading More. This chapter starts by introducing the million-word gap that differentiates children that have been read to frequently compared to those that experience infrequent reading prior to entering school. It also introduces the importance of deliberate practice when practicing reading.
Chapter 17-The Interdependent Relationship of Skill and Will. This chapter identifies the behavior and/or characteristics of struggling readers. This chapter also discusses the importance of students using skills and strategies to understand a text and create confidence.
- How will these impact your teaching?
I really appreciate the idea of deliberate practice when having students read. We did a lot of work this year with the Jen Sarravallo book “Reading Strategies” this year. Many of the concepts/strategies in this book were to help students develop strategies for deliberate practice.
-What strategies did you take away and how will you implement them into your teaching?
I really enjoyed the strategies introduced in Chapter 16. I like that the author introduces the importance of read alouds, even in the older grades so students can hear the text and develop fluency. She introduces the continuum of sharing a text (read aloud, read along, read alone). Creating deliberate practice will increase the value of making reading time a priority at the older grade levels.