Read Ch. 4 - 6

Wichterman Week 2

Wichterman Week 2

by Sarah Wichterman -
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The inferences section in Ch. 6 stuck out to me.  What made an impact on you in these chapters?

I was struck by the concrete, tangible interventions for when kids “don’t get it.” So much of the work of reading is invisible and as a strong reader that invisible work was second nature for me. This is not the case for so many of our kids, so having specific language to describe what they aren’t getting, gives us an inroad to make the invisible visible. 

-How do you respond to students “who don’t get it”? After this reading how will that shift?

I, like the author, have definitely been a “read it again” teacher. When that doesn’t work, I have tried to reverse engineer the work of reading, giving kids the it to get and then tracing all the clues that lead to that understanding. Now I know to ask very specific questions and keep an eye out for potential obstacles in the readings I choose and be prepared to help students overcome those obstacles. 

-Comprehension, understanding, and change is the goal of any reading.  What will you do differently in your teaching after reading this section?

I am going to focus more on the how than the what in terms of reading instruction.