Read Ch. 4 - 6

Reddick week 2

Reddick week 2

by CarryAnne Reddick -
Number of replies: 1

The inference section chapter 6 stuck out to me. What made an impact to you in these chapters? Chapter 6 stood out because there are so many types of inferences we must understand to comprehend text. I never thought of the the difficulties some students would have in understanding the difference in multiple meaning of a word let alone how things could be casually linked together and cause a student confusion. The list is endless and understanding inferences must be taught and learned. 

How do you respond to students that don't get it? After this reading how will that shift? Teach them to struggle with tools to promote comprehension and understanding. Tools such as note taking, questioning, and connecting the dots in the text. In life the word struggle has such a negative connection but life struggles build character and its the same for reading. We are building understanding! 

Comprehension, understanding,and change is the goal of any reading. What will you do differently in your teachings after reading this section? Offer suggestions that lead to comprehension, understanding and  change. We all learn differently and what may work for one dosnt work for another. Realize we are individual learners!

In reply to CarryAnne Reddick

Re: Reddick week 2

by Devin Snyder -
Hi CarryAnne! I really like your point about teaching them to struggle. It is important to show our students that things like learning to read take time and are not easy, but with practice and proper tools/strategies, they will be able to accomplish their goals and become better readers.