-The inferences section in Ch. 6 stuck out to me. What made an impact on you in these chapters?
When reading these Chapters what stuck out to me was how important prior knowledge and experience is to readers. I they have neither they aren't going to comprehend or be able to make a connection with the book. I really like Figure 6.1 Summary of types if Inferences and how to help students. I think using this as a guide will help in understanding why the students don't "get it".
How do you respond to students “who don’t get it”? After this reading how will that shift?
Honestly, I've always told the students to re-read and look for clues and use their reading strategies. Now, after reading this book I will dig deeper and ask more questions so that I can better understand why and what they don't get.
Comprehension, understanding, and change is the goal of any reading. What will you do differently in your teaching after reading this section?
I will model more and have more discussions with the students.
Working in small groups I'm hoping to be able to help the struggling readers and improve their reading skills so that they "can get it" instead of " I don't get it".I will take the time to understand them more and give them extra time when reading a book or passage for them to answer and understand what they've just read.