Week 3: Read Ch. 7 - 9

Hunt week 3

Hunt week 3

by Emily Hunt -
Number of replies: 2

How important is accessing prior knowledge for students? (Baseball study)  How do you immerse students in background knowledge or text sets to facilitate activation?

  • Accessing prior knowledge is important for students. The before reading scaffolds on page 83 will be helpful. 

Multiple exposures are important for retention and independence. How will you offer these opportunities?

  • In my classroom, I often read a book aloud twice. We go back to notice more in the words and pictures. Students also reread books independently in their book bin. We often revisit books during reading groups to focus on new things. This helps to build student confidence also. They are often proud when they can read a book so well by the end of the week. 

What strategies stuck out to you in this chapter and what ones and how will you bring them into your instruction?

  • The fix up practices on page 109 reminds me of our classroom routine. As we learn new techniques, I hang up the corresponding RW poster on the board for students to reference. The somebody wanted but so outline on page 137 could be used in almost any grade level. I like that this is structured and think it could be helpful for my students. The three big questions chart on page 150 will be useful for younger students. 

In reply to Emily Hunt

Re: Hunt week 3

by Kara Newtown -
Greetings Emily,

It seems like you are already having students do a great job at rereading. Would you be willing to use the rereading scale mentioned on page 112? I was also impressed with the list of reading genres that could be used in the rereading strategy such as a website. Many of my students will go from site to site so fast if the answer doesn't jump right out at them but if they are required to reread a website more than once, they may find the importance in rereading.
In reply to Emily Hunt

Re: Hunt week 3

by Devin Snyder -
Hi Emily! I also really like the "Fix-Up Practices Anchor Chart" on page 109. That chart allows students to have multiple strategies to help further their understanding of the text. It also gives students the chance to try different strategies that they might not have thought about using before.