-How important is accessing prior knowledge for students?
I find that students are more successful at decoding and comprehending a text when they have prior knowledge of the book/topic they are reading. Accessing prior knowledge is very important/critical for comprehension. If they can make a connection between the book and their experiences they are likely to enjoy reading.
Multiple exposures are important for retention and independence. How will you offer these opportunities?
Since I pull students for small groups we try and read the book at least twice. We take a look at the words and pictures and discuss what we see and make predictions. We usually read once together and then I have them reread the book independently. I want to model and give examples, have posters in site for them to use and also have a book bucket of previously read books that they can go back to during independent reading time.
What strategies stuck out to you in this chapter and what ones and how will you bring them into your instruction?Strategies that stuck out to me in this chapter... well I liked the Before-Reading Scaffolds (If, Then, See) I hope to use this in small groups. I also, liked the KWL 2.0 Think Sheet. I think modeling how to use this Sheet (doing as a group) a few times then having them try it on their own.