Read Ch. 10 & 12 and 1 chapter of choice

Reddick Week 4 Chapter 10 & 12

Reddick Week 4 Chapter 10 & 12

by CarryAnne Reddick -
Number of replies: 2
Word work is something you learn in primary grades...but is it?
We are always learning, word work happens throughout life.  

How do we support students who did not master breaking the code? 
Find the root cause of their misunderstanding, that will help with comprehension. Without isolating the struggle I can not teach strategies to help them understand. I can use the questions listed on pg 168 to help me understand where each students struggle lies.

What did you learn in this chapter and how will you apply it to your instruction?
Vocabulary trees will help our students understand root words as well as "branched off"  words with other meanings. I think as a whole group our students would benefit from discussing these words with their peers and teachers. 

Small group instruction is most useful for remediation? Do you incorporate these into your teaching ? How could you?
We always work in small groups in our room even our whole group is considered a small group because of our student teacher ratio. However, we break up our students into even smaller groups during ELA blocks and work more one on one with them.  This is most beneficial for our students to work within their comprehension level.

Name and summarize (a few sentences) about the "other" chapter you read.
Chapter 11 Deciding which words to pre teach. As we look though textbooks we see words that seem less commonly used so we preach the meaning of that word so that they can comprehend text in it proper form. We can use scaffolds to teach these words to encourage a better chance of remembering the meaning of the word.

In reply to CarryAnne Reddick

Re: Reddick Week 4 Chapter 10 & 12

by Denelle Sauve -
Hi CarryAnne! In my current position, all of my teaching is done in small groups as well. I also break my small groups into smaller groups to differentiate based on their needs. I love that we are able to do this! :)
In reply to CarryAnne Reddick

Re: Reddick Week 4 Chapter 10 & 12

by Peggy Wells -
I like the vocabulary trees and branching off words. Such a great strategy for students to make the connections between words.