3. Go to the Figures pgs. vi - viii and choose one figure that you will use in your instruction. Describe the what, why, and how this figure is important and will be put into your instruction.
First of all, it was very difficult to chose just one. I have to choose 2 because I am going to use them together. I chose Figure 3.1- Skilled and Less Skilled Readers on pages 24-27 and Figure 3.3 Instructional Assessment Chart on the inside of the front cover and on page 30. The Skilled and Less Skilled Readers chart was a huge a-ha moment for me. Although I use a lot of these descriptions of skills I do not use all of them. Also, I use either/or, never skilled readers skills and less skilled readers skills together, next to each other. I think that is a powerful part. I am going to copy this chart. I am going to refer to it often. I will use it when talking to students. I will use it when discussing students with teaching assistants, interventionists, instructional support and special educators. I am going to make sure that we all have a copy and we can use it to track problems, growth and next steps. I think this will be powerful to use with parents during conferences and meetings. I can start by talking about things that the child can do. I can use it to help talk about behaviors that I see. It will give me the language that I need to use to address these issues. It will be a consistent constant. When I meet with parents again I will have the same list, the same language. I will use this to help create an instructional plan for students. I will use the Instructional Plan found in Appendix A. Figure 3.3 Instructional Assessment Chart will be used to guide me to know what to do. Although my experience and my gut lead me to know what to do most of the time, there are times when I need help. Most of the help will come from chapters 10-15. I hope that eventually this will be part of my experience/gut and I won’t need to look at those chapters. How awesome is it that until then, I have this resource? I am thankful. I am motivated. I am excited. In this educational journey that has spanned over 30 years, I am grateful for books to read and learn from. I am grateful for the opportunity to grow and improve my craft. I can’t wait to use all of this to help my students learn, grow and read!
I found it hard to choose just one as well. There were so many good figures/charts throughout the book.
Fig.3.1 & Fig.3.3 I liked too and think this will help with my small group instruction, guiding me on what steps to follow next when working with the students.
I enjoyed this book study and found it very useful/helpful!
Fig.3.1 & Fig.3.3 I liked too and think this will help with my small group instruction, guiding me on what steps to follow next when working with the students.
I enjoyed this book study and found it very useful/helpful!
" I will use it when discussing students with teaching assistants, interventionists, instructional support and special educators. I am going to make sure that we all have a copy and we can use it to track problems, growth and next steps." This communication and collaboration is so important. It definitely takes a village and using these resources together will help to keep our students on a consistent path across providers.