Read Ch. 10 & 12 and 1 chapter of choice

Week 4 -Bowen

Week 4 -Bowen

by Donna Bowen -
Number of replies: 1

I learn words every day!  Yes children do start this in the primary grades and they soak in a lot of words but they will continue throughout their lives.

Students that have not yet learned how to break the code needs more help in text clues.  Yes, I have been known to just give them the meaning but from now on I will slow down along with the students and work through the text and model how to figure out the word and meaning.  In the small groups you usually have quite, insecure students, here they have a place to talk.

Since I do only small groups, I feel it is very important for the small groups, the one on one instruction.  I have also noticed that lately we are in need of more small groups with our students

I am learning new strategies everyday.  I know have many different ones to use for my students.  Will fine one that will fit with each child.

I read Chapter 11, Preteaching Vocabulary.  I really like the maps they introduced me to.  I wish I had this knowledge last year it would of came in handy.  Now that I know it I will diffidently use it.

In reply to Donna Bowen

Re: Week 4 -Bowen

by Amanda Snyder -
Hi Donna,

I agree we learn new vocabulary everyday and we will continue to do so. I also agree that more small group instruction with our students is needed.