Read Ch. 10 & 12 and 1 chapter of choice

Week#4 ASnyder

Week#4 ASnyder

by Amanda Snyder -
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Word work is something they learn in primary grades… but is it?

I believe that “word work” is VERY IMPORTANT in the classroom of all grade levels. I believe we never stop learning NEW Vocabulary (from grade school-adult years) As an adult I'm still learning new vocabulary and meanings.  I think the more practice the students have the more successful they will become.

-How do we support students who did not master “breaking the code”? 

I think we can support students who do not master “breaking the code” by giving teaching them strategies they need that will improve where they are struggling.  We also need to provide support and strategies for them to be able to break the code eventually. I really liked figure 10.2 (Vocabulary Scaffolds) and 10.3 ( Tier Words Triangle) with the different tier words and how it broke it down in the sections about theses words and how they are used. 

-What did you learn in this chapter and how will you apply it to your instruction?

Again, I really liked Figure 10.2 about the scaffold vocabulary I think this year with my small groups I would like to incorporate this. 

One of the biggest take aways so far is that vocabulary needs to be the same across grade levels. 

 -Small group instruction is most useful for remediation. Do you incorporate these into your teaching?  How could you?

I feel that small group instruction is always the answer especially for those students who are struggling. I see more growth and understanding from the students who receive small groups instruction. 

-Name & Summarize (a few sentences) about the “other” chapter you read.

 I decided to read Chapter 14, “Spelling”. I liked Figure 14.1 the Overview of Spelling Stages. I'm hoping to this year work with my grade levels on more with the Words Their way and Spelling Stages to have children learn at their pace. If we do the spelling inventory and divide the kids up into the appropriate groups I think we will see growth in children's spelling and vocabulary.