Read Article, Epilogue, & Appendices

Week 6- Bero

Week 6- Bero

by Errolynn Bero -
Number of replies: 2

3. Go to the Figures pgs. vi - viii and choose one figure that you will use in your instruction.  Describe the what, why, and how this figure is important and will be put into your instruction

Like a lot of other people said, there were so many great figures that this book had to offer that I will definitely be using in my instruction this year. I chose figure 14.1 (Overview of Spelling Stages). I really liked this figure because it breaks it down step by step what exactly in means to be in each specific spelling stage and common mistakes a speller in that stage may make. I want to make a copy of this diagram and keep it with not only my Words their Way materials, but also to have on hand in case a parent has questions about the Words their Way spelling stage that their child is in. I liked how this chart showed the grade range that each stage could potentially fall in, for example, when it says that the Derivational Constancy stage "could begin as early as grade 5 for some students or not until grade 8 for others". This goes directly with the message that I send to my students daily that everyone learns in different ways and at their own pace, and that's okay! 

In reply to Errolynn Bero

Re: Week 6- Bero

by Kara Newtown -

The figure you mentioned, Figure 14.1, was a big eye opener for me. I actually highlighted the stage that my students should be in, Syllable Juncture. By identifying which grade level band students should be at for spelling, it can really give a teacher some insight as to where a student stands with their writing without going through extensive testing.
In reply to Errolynn Bero

Re: Week 6- Bero

by Megan Fitzgerald -
I really like the idea of making a copy to put with my materials, that's an awesome idea! Much easier than having to dig out the book each time.