Read Ch. 4 - 6

week 2

week 2

by Emily Miller -
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-The inferences section in Ch. 6 stuck out to me.  What made an impact on you in these chapters?

When reading the chapters there was a few things that really stuck out to me. One was the importance of prior knowledge, if students do not have prior knowledge or experience, they will have a more difficult time being able to understand and make a connection to the book or story. The other thing that stuck out to me was the that many of the students have a hard time with comprehension and that some of these students would have a difficult time comprehending a book when they don't understand that some words can have different meanings but be spelt and sound the same, such as seal (could mean seal the animal or seal as in closing something) but if a student doesn't know that the word seal has more than one meaning they may have a more difficult time understanding what they are reading 

-How do you respond to students “who don’t get it”? After this reading how will that shift?

When teaching the students in my 8-1-1 room I have shown them how they can look at the picures to maybe help understand what they are reading, as well as going back and rereading a section and making sure to ask questions and being able to dig deeper so I know where they are having the problems understanding. 

-Comprehension, understanding, and change is the goal of any reading.  What will you do differently in your teaching after reading this section?

After reading this section I will be doing a lot more modeling with the students as well as making sure I am digging deeper to understand where the problem areas are so I can work on specific areas with them. Comprehension is hard and I want to make sure the students understand that, while also knowing it isn't impossible and that they will get it with some help/Work.